Is It Normal To Feel Worse At The Beginning Of Therapy? YES!

Is It Normal To Feel Worse At The Beginning Of Therapy? YES! Let’s set the scene: you’re walking into your first therapy session. You’re nervous. It took courage for you to even reach out in the first place. But everyone says that therapy is worth it. Therapy will make you feel better. Just give it a try. Fast forward to the end of your first few sessions: you’re actually NOT feeling much better. Maybe you were for a week or so, but now negative emotions are swirling through your body. You’re still not sure how to deal with them and you find your life changing in ways you didn’t really think you wanted. If this is you, we’re here to tell you: this is normal. know, it seems backwards, but stick with us: often therapy seems to make things worse before they get better. Think about it: what happens when you hurt your body physically? How does the healing process work? It hurts. It scabs. You may have to have surgery or stitches. Healing the physical body is PAINFUL. So why would healing y...